Sunday, January 24, 2016

Little White House

    Yesterday I was praying like war.  I was praying for more of God, more of God, more of God.  I have been so thankful.  When I went to bed last night I felt like I wanted to hug and kiss Jesus.  When I closed my eyes I could see many people walking towards a small white house.  They were all crying and saying things like, "We didn't understand.  We worshipped ourselves.  We believed in our own strength. Now we believe our God helps."  I didn't understand what it meant. I think to myself that something is coming.  I felt my heart really heavy.
     This morning when I was praying God told my heart to pray for people.  I think the white house I saw was a church and I feel like he wants me to go tell the people about him.  I feel in my heart like a yes!  I should do this.  And as soon as I finished praying, I heard in my mind, "No you can't preach to people.  You think you can bring people to Jesus but you cannot.  It's a waste of your time."  It made me angry and I said out loud, "You devil, you will not steal my joy. I will stay in the presence of God!"

        Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.   Philippians 3:13-14

From Mom:  We spent time praying today especially for eyes to be opened to recognize that it was the actions of broken people that gave God a bad name, for revelation of their need of more of God in order to love and trust others. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lucia and Mom Tina _

    Lucia is GORGEOUS! I had followed Mom Tina's blog and followed Lucia's journey from Ukraine. Lucia - A remarkable transformation to a beautiful and godly lady - Praise Be To God - and to your loving family who tends gently to you. May God's grace fill your lives always.
