Thursday, April 7, 2016

My Spring Update

      Hi everybody!  Lots is going on in the house.  I'm praying a lot and talking to mom a lot but we haven't had as much time to write.  There is a lot God is doing in me the last months.

     I went to a Valentine's dance with my brother, Cephas, and we had a good time together.  I met new people.  There was a special lady who helped me there.  She asked me about my family and I told her I was adopted.  She was surprised I was so old when I was adopted.  Not many children are adopted at 16!  Cephas and I were even able to sing karaoke.  We sang Amazing Grace together.    

    The most amazing part of that day was it was a hard day for me.  I wasn't feeling good that day.  I am also quiet a lot and go to bed early.  This night it was very loud and I talked to many people. I saw it was after 9 pm and I was feeling great!  I think this was God who was making me feel better.  The next morning when my Dad came to get me up, my stomach was feeling great, my body wasn't hurting, and I was ready to go to church.  

    Another new thing is I started going to home school classes.  I go to Brain Exercises, Reading, and Science classes.  I really enjoy my classes.  Brain class is my favorite.  It teaches me what to do when I am stressed out with my ipad school.  I learned some good breathing exercises and it helps me.   I am so happy God gave me an opportunity to go to classes.  The people are very nice to me there and I feel welcome.

    The Grace Haven house is being built and there are lots of meetings going on.  There's much to be done and I ask Dad all the time when it will be done.  I can't wait for groups to meet at the house.  It's amazing what God wants to do.  I feel passionate.  Recently a teen girl came over with her dad and I got to talk with her.  I talked to her about how God helps me in my struggles.  We prayed with her and her dad.  She is doing good and I heard she has been baptized.  I pray for her a lot.  I say, 'I know God you can do amazing stuff.  Help her know who you are and understand her family. Let her know her family has the best for her."  I pray that a lot.

    I need to tell you about my dream because it was good.   Remember, I said there was a mean worker at the institution who did things to me.  Well,  I had a dream she came to me and said, "Bring Jesus! I am sorry! I judged you. I was wrong.  I hurt you because I was hurt too. Bring Jesus, bring your family and come.  We need you.  There is war.  Help us!"  I felt so light because I was able to really forgive her.  I don't even feel bad feelings anymore about all that she did to me.  Now God is saying she needs help.

   I can let God take care of Galena.  I can release the other ones who hurt me and let God take over.  God is showing me He will do the things we need if we let Him do it.  If you just let go you will feel so much better.

  To adoptive parents - I believe your kids can release their pain to God.  I believe your kids will someday know who God is and will talk to you about their pain.  And I believe they will know you did nothing to hurt them. I pray for you to be strong while you wait.  Don't let the devil control your thoughts.  He wants you to see only the very worst. He doesn't want you to know who you are.

I am greatly encouraged; in all our troubles, my JOY knows no bounds.  2 Corinthians 7:4


Love is in the light,

Here I am at the Tim Tebow Night to Shine dance with my Buddy!

Here I am with my mom 3 years ago exactly! 

 From Mom -  Lucia and I have been talking about the amazing freedom in prayer there is when there is forgiveness.  When doubt is gone, there is such a fullness!  We praise God for giving her such a beautiful and vivid dream of meeting up with someone who once caused her such pain and now when she hears her name and sees her face she no longer feels trauma but compassion.  Only God can do that!


  1. Lucia, you looked beautiful at the dance! I hope you are feeling well. Thanks for the update!

  2. I'm glad you are having fun. I am also very happy to hear that you and God are growing together in such wonderful ways.
